1.1. General information
In response to the huge demand for human resources in finding technological solutions for drinking water and wastewater treatment as well as for climate change adaptation in Vietnam, the Master program Applied Environmental Sciences, is one of the first six master programs, has been created since November 2009.
Accompanying sustainable scientific training, the AES master program will focus on studying the advanced technologies, which are currently unpopular or untaught in Vietnam, both in the field of water treatment (supply water, wastewater) and natural aquatic environments (modeling, remote sensing, and environmental engineering).
Besides, with all the lessons being taught in English, the main objective of the program is to train future leaders in the field of water science, who are capable of working for industries, consulting firms, and government agencies (concerning water services, flood, and environmental disaster prevention, natural resources management, and land use.
Why should you choose this course:
- International Master Double-diploma delivered by French Universities and USTH
- Advanced teaching methods via laboratory works and practical courses
- Lectures delivered in English by professors from French leading universities
- Professional experience through a six-month internship abroad
- High possibility to get full scholarship and fellowship from USTH
- High possibility to get a full scholarship for internship in France
- High possibility to apply for French Ph.D. scholarship for best USTH students
- Excellent openings for work in Vietnam and abroad after graduation
1.2. List of French Institution Co-Accreditation with USTH
- University of La Rochelle
- University of the Littoral
- University of Poitiers
- University of Reims
- University of Toulouse 3
- University of Paul Sabatier
- National School for Water and Environmental Engineering (ENGEES Strasbourg)
- National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (INP Toulouse)
- University of Sorborne
- University of Paris Saclay
2.1. Training objectives
The AES training program aims to train high-quality researchers and managers whose qualifications are equivalent to European recognized standards in Environmental Science. Master graduates from the program have extensive knowledge and proficiency in practical skills of European and international standards, capable of in-depth independent research in the newest areas of environment sciences as well as pursuing a research career in advanced. In addition, the program also provides students to gradually improve multi-disciplinary skills such as English, French, organization, and management of scientific and technological research projects; raise personal development (presentation and writing of scientific reports, presentation/communication skills; creativity and entrepreneurship; teamwork skills…).
2.2. Curriculum
The AES training program mainly focuses on environmental issues related to waters from different resources (i.e. groundwater and surface continental waters, coastal and marine waters, polluted waters), risk assessment (concerning drinking water, sanitation, public health, eco-toxicology, floods, etc), water uses management (i.e. waters for domestic, agricultural, industrial, coastal purposes…), or pollution treatment (i.e. water, wastewater, irrigation, distribution…)
Within the first semester, a solid and transversal education is delivered to all students regardless of their specialty. It includes analytical chemistry, biology, ecology, fluid mechanics, hydrology, hydrogeology, modeling, economics, project management and international regulations. This training program aims to provide students with methodologies for problem-solving and reasoning while encouraging their initiative and creative thoughts in the fields of ecosystem protection, coastal and inland water resources management, and polluted water treatment technologies.
After the first semester, three following specialties are optional for students:
- Sustainable Water and Ecosystem Protection (SWEP)
- Hydrology & Oceanography (H & O)
The AES Master training program in the period from 2016 to 2021
It has been officially accredited by HCERES
2.3. Assessment
The program’s output standards include 03 main goals as follows:
– Extensive knowledge and proficiency in practical skills of European standards in the newest fields in Environmental Sciences:
- Research, improve, design, and develop technological solutions in the environment
- Understand and be able to develop the influence of science and technology to respond to environmental issues in the context of a globalized society
- Consulting and management supervision in the field of Environmental Science
– Skills and personal capacity:
- Think critically, evaluate and solve problems effectively
- Dynamic, creative, experimenting and decoding knowledge
- Professional ethics, integrity, seriousness, responsibility
– Teamwork and communication skills in an international environment:
- Leadership thinking and effective teamwork skills
- Communication skills by different methods such as: written, electronic/multimedia communication, presentation, persuasive reasoning, effective negotiation
- English requirements: IELTS ≥ 6.5.
2.4. Career opportunities
Public sector: Higher education and university research; large public research organizations; national and regional public agencies for water-resources management and environmental protection; public analysis and control laboratories; regulatory agencies in the field of the environment.
Private Sector: Research offices (river and marine fields, instrumentation in the field of environment, hydrology and oceanography, measurement and monitoring of physicochemical parameters of water for environmental purposes, numerical modeling, remote sensing, satellite observation and applications, integrated spatial planning, and spatial planning); analysis and control laboratories; and industries.
Future careers:
- Teacher-researcher
- Researcher
- Engineer
- Project manager
- Production engineer
- Environmental manager
- Business engineers
An average of 80% of students in the AES program take internships abroad, especially in France. The internship duration is up to 6 months.
List of partners to receive USTH interns abroad
- In France: University of the Littoral Opal Coast, Institute of Research for Development, La Rochelle University, Poitiers University, National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, Institute of Molecular Chemistry – Reims, Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences, National School of Water and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Geosciences Laboratory of Toulouse.
- In German: University of Koblenz Landau, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- In Asia: Khon Kaen University, Thailand; Davao del Norte State College, Philippines
The AES program is designed for students who have the passion and expectation to improve their knowledge to continue researching and working in the hottest areas of the environmental sciences.
– About the training program:
Department of Water – Environment – Oceanography (WEO)
Tel: (+84-24) 37 91 72 06
Email: weo_dept@usth.edu.vn
Add: Room 306, 3rd floor, A21 building, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi
– About Admission:
Department of Academic Affairs (DAA)
Tel: (+84-24) 3791 7748
Email: admission@usth.edu.vn
Add: Room 102, 1st floor, A21 building, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi